Diesel Bad Intense is a hot spin on the renowned Bad fragrance's tobacco-caviar characteristic. With a bright shimmer of bergamot, the smell emerges. The caviar flavor is quickly enflamed by a spicy combination...
Diesel Bad Intense is a hot spin on the renowned Bad fragrance's tobacco-caviar characteristic. With a bright shimmer of bergamot, the smell emerges. The caviar flavor is quickly enflamed by a spicy combination of nutmeg and cinnamon. Tobacco and woody smells are in the air. Fragrance Family: Woody Spicy Fragrance Notes: Top Notes: Nutmeg, Cinnamon and Bergamot Middle Notes: Caviar Base Notes: White tobacco and Woody Concentration: Eau De Parfume Fragrance Gender: Men Season: Winter& Fall Scent silage: Strong Longevity: 12+ Launch Year: 2017 Perfumer: DIESEL
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